Reading is my religion, great writers are my God, their novels are my bible. What are you passionate about?
One of the questions I ask people is whether they enjoy their job. Most of the time, the answer is no. We spend so much time at work and it is a big part of our life. We see our colleagues more than we see our family and friends.
It's worth taking some time, thinking about the things you like to do, the things you used to love, that you never get tire of, that your face lights up when you talk about it. We need to nurture our passions. It's about loving ourselves, investing in our desires.
If money and time was not an obstacle, what would you do, how would you spend your time?
The next step is then to come up with a plan. How will you spend more time doing what you love? It takes planning, prioritising, not procrastinating, not being afraid to try it, enrolling in a course, talking to someone, moving in that direction and going down that road.