Thursday, November 15, 2012

Relax and feed the ducks

Most of the swans have now left London and the waters are full of squabbling and waddling ducks.

I've read that watching animals is incredibly relaxing and have started wandering down to check out the ducks and swans, feeding them and taking a few minutes out in my day to wonder at nature's marvels.

London has a multitude of zoos, parks and wonderful animals. Even though it's dark early,  rainy and grey, there is still much to smile about, relaxing doesn't just have to be a pint of beer or a glass of wine or lying comatose in front of the tv, you just have to do a little searching and make the effort.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dealing with mental illness

They say it's very common. It's just not talked about much. In many ways, it's still very taboo.
Mental illness is often misunderstood, misdiagnosed, takes a long time to treat with a great deal of trialing different anti-depressants and psychiatrists poking around in your head, exploring your past.
It's a long hard road to recovery, with more downs than ups, as well as alot of fear - what if you don't get better, what if you get worse, what if, what if, what if?

And for family and friends, it presents many challenges and can be a burden and take its toll.
So why is it getting worse? Is it the pressures of today's time conscious society, the need for perfection, unsympathetic employers who demand too much, the bullies, the state of the world, the government, the doctors, inadequate health care, the dreadful economy? Does it matter the cause - should we just look for a cure?

There's a lot of books, cds, self-help websites, support groups, doctors, shrinks and it's overwhelming and daunting trying to figure out the best course of action.

I wish I had the answers. I only know that we all have to take one step at a time, try to move in the right direction and be patient. 

I'd love to hear you views and experiences. It's only if we share and help each other that we can find a way forward.