Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My natural happy pill - the amazing discoveries from London walks

Walking is like a natural happy pill because you make all these amazing discoveries in London. Today I videoed these baby coots being fed and then they all snuggled underneath Mum.

I'd never seen baby coots being fed like this. I thought they were called moorhens.

When you are out amongst the birds and the ducks, you take time a way from the every day.

You live in the now. Your brain and body relaxes. It's a mini holiday!

Check out the videos of the baby geese in the canal. These guys came right up to me the other week. It was amazing.

These links will take you to youtube:

Enjoy the glorious weather London is having. Explore the canals. For those times when you can't, then tap your magic dorothy red slippers, watch a video and it's like you're transported to the wonderful world of the baby coot - being fed, snuggling up and getting ready for bed.

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