Friday, October 8, 2021

Calorie cycling and metabolic confusion

Yesterday was a low calorie and low fat day, though I discovered my 3.5 day detox was even less pure than I thought. On the peanuts packet I realised there is sunflower oil. It was like the time I found flour on the shredded cheese ingredients list. 

The reason I was looking at nuts yesterday was that I'd had a harder workout. I'd increased my weights and added a few hiit exercises. Afterwards, I had a carrot smoothie and a grapefruit, but I figured I should add more protein to my post-workout meal, so I had a few handfuls of nuts. 

I went for a walk but my energy levels weren't there and I also needed a toilet break as the smoothie was making its way through my body. 

So it was a shorter walk than usual. It was drizzling on and off. It was grey and my heart wasn't in it. 

Back at home, I had an early dinner of tom yum vegetable soup, which was extra delicious as the flavours had become richer overnight. 

I'm pleased with the diet I managed yesterday, but I started to think about calorie cycling. I was rrading about alternate days of low calories, the diet equivalent of a hiit workout. 

The idea of metabolic confusion complements the flexitarian diet since meat days will be higher calories. 

What was interesting was 3 to 7 days of high calories after days or weeks of low calories. It is cheat days but more than one day. The trick is staying disciplined and going back to low calorie days. Could this be how I become guilt free on the days I deviate from my normal? 

What I've also tried to incorporate is intermittent fasting. I have breakfast at least 12 hours since my last snack. 

Metabolism is an important part of our health and any weight loss management program, which is why I workout to boost the low calories intake and to increase my metabolism which might be falling as my calories going in goes down. 

It seems that with calorie cycling and fasting, it might make metabolism management even more effective. Could this be one of the secrets to weight management and living a healthier life?

I feel more productive during this flexitarian diet plus heavy workout regime. It is taking up more time, but I am sleeping much better than before I began. 

The shift to more meat free meals is a trend in the UK. I'm not sure how much this has influenced me, but certainly doing detoxes over the years and trying to do more meat free meals has meant it is a direction I've been taking to try to improve my overall health. 

They say vegetarians live longer. I figure a few more meat free meals is great for my grocery bills which seem to be getting higher and also with energy bills / inflation rising, if I can save a bit extra, lose weight and feel healthier, then why not? 

Here are some articles that I found useful:

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