Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Summer Ducklings - music, videos and instagram posts

How did I end up staying up all night to make a video and create music?

It all started with a stroll along the canal up to Victoria Park.

Within minutes of setting off, I found the first set of ducklings. In the canal, they frolicked in the sun. At the park, another threesome played hide and seek on the lake.

On the way home, I pass the first set of ducklings on the canal. They dart faster through the rippling waters as the skies darken. The mother snaps at me several times. They are all nervous with the evening coming. I smile and blow them a kiss. Good night sweet babies.

I'd never seen so many ducklings before. In fact, before this year, I had never seen ducklings. The way they frolicked and dived in the water was enchanting. I had fallen in love.

For a few weeks I had been plagued with the idea of making a video about the swans since I had accumulated more than a dozen clips on them. The difference was that my duck videos were all on my phone and much easier to access and upload to Instagram.

I breached Instagram's copyright rules by uploading my video with a song which wasn't mine. Oops! How did I forget about those laws? The video just wasn't the same without music, so I decided to make my own music. It was fun to make my debut as a music maker and producer.

Will I be making more music and videos? Absolutely. They are a brilliant way of telling stories. Will I be pulling any more all nighters? I hope not too many.

The ducklings fill me with joy and their antics are very entertaining. Some days, ducklings make the world a better place. Hope you are having a lovely summer.

Say hello to me on Instagram and share your thoughts on ducklings, video and music making or anything else.

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