Monday, February 3, 2020

Superbowl Half-time Performances - Jackson versus Prince

After watching the 2020 Superbowl half-time show with the exceptional performances by Jennifer Lopez and Shakira, I watched some of the previous year's. I narrowed it down to two favourites - Prince in 2007 and Michael Jackson in 1993. Decades apart but both incredible performances.

Prince is one of the greatest musicians and artists. The way he played his electric guitars in the pouring rain and asked if they could make it rain harder? Wow!

Rolling Stone's magazine ranked Prince's performance number 2 with U2's at number 1. A september 11 tribute is pretty hard to beat and I do admire Bono and the boys.

MJ was number 11. After the allegations of child abuse and the documentary, Jackson's music has fallen out of favour by the popular media and the mainstream. I still remember the first time I saw the Black or White video and as a child who was not black or white, it really made a statement. It made me feel a part of the world. It was about being inclusive and I think that his music has always felt real and authentic. MJ wrote Heal the World before environmental concern became fashionable. Despite the nostalgia, what impressed me about MJ's Superbowl show was the effectiveness of the long pause before he performed - creating anticipation. His first song struck the right mood and I had goosebumps. When the entire crowd were involved and turned over cards to reveal images of children holding hands, I thought 'genius.' Is it wrong that I still like Michael's music? In this age of political correctness, is it allowed? 

Another great performer - Madonna had me singing along to her hits, but Jackson's performance stood out for me.

Prince and Jackson battled over the years. Both were legendary in their time, pushing music to new realms and both now are no longer with us. They both knew how to work a crowd and make beautiful music. Whatever the circumstances of their life, music helps us in many ways and the marriage of music with sport is a great one. I wonder why the Premier and Champions League don't have a half-time performance ...

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