Saturday, February 19, 2022

How the UK is being destroyed

Let me tell you about what is happening in the country called Great Britain. It is no longer great. It no longer is a country full of proud people. Instead there is poverty, hunger and disillusionment.

We have a prime minister concerned with political survival. Instead of the will of the people, it is the will of the back benchers.

Lifting all Covid-19 public health safety measures like the requirement to isolate if positive and free testing is imminent. This:

  • inflicts further damage on an already overwhelmed NHS,
  • adds to waiting lists,
  • increases risks to keyworkers
  • damages our covid management infrastructure, and
  • costs us the right to prompt medical care.

The UK public were urged to have boosters in December if it was after 3 months from a second dose of the vaccine. Studies suggested immunity wanes 3 months after vaccination.

As we approach 3 months from the mass vaccination in December, the Tory government in England is sending the message that a legal requirement to isolate from covid-19 is no longer necessary.

Whenever you scratch the surface of any issue today, you discover illogical policies without any substantial evidence to support the decision making.

Suddenly, it is as if all government medical and scientific advisors have been gagged and locked up. In a major decision about public health, we do not hear a single word from them. Their silence speaks volumes. It is deafening.

Protect yourself, family and community. Wear masks, socially distance and isolate if you have covid-19. Your life and theirs is precious. Your quality of life will be affected if you have long covid or develop serious complications after a mild case of covid-19.

Look at how far we have come since the pandemic. Have patience and faith that it will truly come to an end, rather than believing charlatans who say it's over when it's not. If we let our guards down with the idea that we need to learn to live with it, then the consequences can be very real and you will have to accept them. Now is not the time to have a medical condition.

If you delve even a little into the state of the UK health system, you will be shocked at its demise. The backlog for the waiting lists for the NHS is years now. It is not days or months. Let that sink in. If you cannot afford private care, you may have to wait years to be treated for a medical condition in a country with how many millionaires and billionaires?

Our country is sick. Scientific and medical advice is being dismissed by cavalier short-sighted politicians who are out of touch with the people. It is a government that embraces reckless premature freedom.

Freedom day in summer 2021 when the government removed mask requirements:

  • put us at a disadvantage when dealing with omicron.
  • We had a higher starting point of infection levels.
  • It created greater complacency, which resulted in more infections, disruption to businesses, deaths and long covid.
At the beginning of the pandemic, it was thought only the vulnerable and elderly were at risk from covid19. In 2021, unvaccinated healthy parents of young children died in hospital. There has been an increase in children being hospitalised in December 2021. The virus is evolving. We do not yet know the end of this story.

The UK has an irresponsible government that promotes a selfish attitude of everyone for themselves. Division does not create strength.

It is collaboration and consideration for others which creates wealth and happiness. It is shame that fills the hearts of good people throughout this country. It is guilt when we hear about the grief of the families who lost loved ones.

There are allegations of corruption, rule breaking and lies. The system has failed and justice has not been served. Our democracy and values have been undermined.

What can ordinary people do? How can we shake this feeling of helplessness? Write to MPs. Vote against this. Tweet. Blog. Support journalists and anyone who is fighting the good fight.

Do not be quiet and allow this to happen to your country. Stop reading or watching mainstream media that is perpetuating this disastrous course of action. When their audience and advertising revenue goes down, then they may listen.

None of our actions will have an immediate effect, but with time and patience, battles are won. All great causes in history took time. It was about people's rights. This is about our rights as the people of Great Britain.

It is as if a disease is spreading and killing this country. It is dying a slow, cruel and excruciating death. Our leaders are complicit. Anyone with influence or power has closed their eyes and are focused only on personal wealth creation. They have all discarded their responsibilities as human beings. They will be judged eventually. History will not be kind to them, and rightly so.

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