Sunday, April 17, 2022

Supermarket shopping - how increasing costs change behaviour

Asda has raised their online delivery charges. I have been shopping at Asda more recently. I used to shop at Waitrose, but they raised their delivery prices. I've shopped with Ocado but they can be pricey. I was a Tesco shopper and tried their delivery saver, but vowed I'd rarely shop with them again. 

I'm a customer that is sensitive to supermarket prices, especially delivery charges. 

As the cost of living crisis bites, we're looking to save where we can. If supermarkets aren't competitive, then they may lose market share. 

Now I'm thinking it's time to go back to Lidl. Their prices are incredibly competitive. 

As for going out and spending money, I am super reluctant to. Yesterday I had thought about treating myself with some takeaway. Instead I had leftovers. The saving is huge. 

I used to love eating out. I would also happily spend a bit more on my groceries. However, with increasing electricity prices, I'm anxious about how this will affect me. The economy is on wobbly ground and I expect it will worsen. So I'm preparing for it now and hope it will help if things get rough. 

The government has chosen oil companies over everything else. They have chosen to ignore the problem now and hope they can fix the consequences later, or perhaps they just don't care. 

Either way, we have to look after ourselves and figure out a way forward. No help is coming. We're all going down in this ship. 

Now back to sorting out what I'll do about grocery shopping ... 

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