You can be a healthy cheat because the reality is that we all have our vices. We will never be able to give them up.
I've come up with a few tricks to satisfy that craving but will help us eat responsibly to maintain a healthy body, weight and figure.
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you mess this up, you could be reaching for chocolate, crisps and fried food all day. I have a large breakfast.

Five a day - I get a head start on my five a day by having a bowl of fruit salad for breakfast.That way, you don't have to worry so much about the rest of your day and whether you have enough fruit and veg.
Kellogg's crunchy nut cornflakes - I just can't live without it. They are mega addictive. So I mix it with my bowl of Special K or Cornflakes - using a proportion of 1:4. The sprinkling of crunchy nut is like the icing on my cake.
- Coleslaw - I rinse it with water so there's not so much mayonnaise. It reduces the fat content considerably.
- Pasta - Reduce the carbs in your pasta, only cook half of what you would normally eat and then have a healthy snack later on if you feel hungry.
- Love bread? Switch to a healthy alternative spread like reduced fat hummus. It's so good for you and tastes brilliant. If you want to pat yourself on the back, have it with carrot sticks or celery.
- Cook it! The healthy option is to make it yourself. That way you can add less sugar, cheese, butter or whatever evil is in that recipe. You can buy pizza bases or a ready made margerita, add reduced fat cheese (but don't add so much that it all evens out!)
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