Saturday, January 6, 2018

2018 The Search for Beauty, Health and Happiness - New Year's Resolutions and Goals

As the new year approached and ended, we reflect on 2017 and consider how we can continue to find beauty, health and happiness in 2018. So 2017 wasn't the worst year ever, unless you're Harvey Weinstein. Nor is 2018 going to mean that you will necessarily top Prince Harry and have the wedding of the year. Crudely put, 2017 made winners and losers. Time will tell whether they can emulate their success or reverse their misfortunes. The road ahead for each of us remains unchartered. We all have our critics and supporters. At the end of the day, it is only how we feel about ourselves that matters. 

Many years ago, I decided that I should set out my goals. I realised that the human resource exercise I had to do annually for work should be something that I should apply to my personal life.

Over the years, I have realised some of these goals. I got my dream body, I was healthier than I've ever been, it felt like I was on the path to my dream job, I've fallen in and out of love, bought my almost dream home for now, discovered new hobbies which became life passions and travelled to some of the most amazing places. 

This process of setting out my resolutions and goals has helped me to prioritise and work out what I want and how I can be truly happy.

Broadly, my goals were categorised. These categories were as follows:

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Work
  4. Finances
  5. Travel
  6. Beauty
  7. Health
  8. Happiness
  9. Creativity
  10. Large purchases

Writing down my goals helped me to remain focused. I also found that identifying short and long term goals meant that some of those pipe line dreams didn't get lost or forgotten.

My beauty, health and happiness goals for 2018 are all very much centred around one thing. I've also come to a realisation as to a new goal I have. The process of time and distance away from my everyday always reveals what the heart wants. Learning from the experiences and lives of others provides clarity and wisdom.

2017 was full of disappointments  but I did achieve much also. Hopefully this time next year, I can say I have been successful and it has not been as rough a road as this last year. I wish you every success in your search for beauty, health, happiness, 2018 resolutions and goals.

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