Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Detox - What's it all about?

There are numerous detox solutions in the market, such as the latest hollywood fad of izocleanze, colonics and detox getaways which are uber expensive. We can incorporate it into our lives cheaply and simply. It's a great diet, beauty boost and mood enhancer too!
Make your own juices. Add a slice of ginger, this will give you an energy boost. Some of the ingredients used in the izocleanse are parsley, apples, beets, carrots, cucumber, celery and ginger.

This is my own recipe which is a great cleanse and will also love your skin:

Exotic cleanse juice
1/2 cantaloupe
1 peach
1/2 cup of passionfruit juice
1/2 lemon
a small piece of fresh ginger

These sites will help you get started if you're not sure how to make juices and want to follow some recipes. It's also useful learning about different fruits and vegetables and how they cam help you so you can create your own variations.
Aloe Vera
You can take it as a juice - a small 20ml serving a day (add in some flavouring to make it more palatable). Tablets to take overnight are also available and are much stronger.

Usually a mixture of herbs which don;t always taste great but they do help to clean your body.They do vary in blends and effectiveness so find which ones work for you.

This is as natural as they come! Squeeze half a lemon with half a glass of water. Take it first thing in the morning for the best results.   

Cayenne pepper
Add it to your food or a dash in tea or hot water.

A detox means restricting your diet - avoiding caffeine, sugars, dairy, meat etc. It is more effective as a diet if you can be disciplined about it. However, even if you just incorporate some of the above cleansing tools into your life, you will see and feel the benefits. Also, be aware that detoxing can have some side effects, including insomnia and bowel movements - so think about work / social commitments and plan around them. 

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