Monday, March 14, 2011

Got a Headache or a Cold?

Have you ever tried meditation? I have to admit that I'm not terribly experienced, but I have tried it at a Buddhist temple and also on a yoga week-end. Meditation has a wonderful effect. One morning I woke up with a headache and I thought I would try meditating.

What I did - Use your thumb and ring finger to apply pressure to either side of your nose so that you breathe only through one nostril at a time. Inhale through one nostril to the count of four and exhale to the count of four through the other. I lay in my bed and closed the curtains so it was dark. I also set my alarm for 10 minutes time. Then I just focused on my breathing. The time passed quickly and by the time my alarm wet off, my headache had gone. Drinking water and chamomile tea are also helpful to calm the body.

Flu or Cold
It might be the change in weather or that I'm running around too much or stressed, but I may be coming down with a cold. I have battled colds all winter fairly successfully with a few home remedies:
  • Gargle with water, apple cider vinegar and salt (only a drop of vinegar, about a tablespoon of salt and 100mls of water)- in the  morning or three times a day. This helps with phlegm and also has antibacterial properties to kill germs. Some people drink apple cider vinegar with water to lose weight. but I can;t stand the taste. Gargling helps to consume a small quantity without actually tasting it.
  • Echinacea - the liquid type that comes in a bottle because I think it's more potent. This is more expensive that the effervescent variety but worth the investment. 
  • Squeeze three lemons and drink it with water. 
  • If you have a sore throat, take a teaspoon of honey and let it coat your throat. It's very soothing. 
  • Have fresh juice - whether it's from a blender or squeezed by hand. Make sure you drink it straight away as it lose its beneficial properties the longer it's been sitting there. That's why I don't like drinking juice from a bottle or the freshly squeezed which was done five hours ago!
  • Drink lots of water, as much as you can drink. Put your timer on for every hour and drink a glass each time it goes off.
The road to recovery takes time, effort and dedication on your part. It's your body's way of saying stop, give me some love and attention.  

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