Monday, April 4, 2011

How to Win Friends and Influence People

I confess, I pick up a self-help book every now and then. I think they are an interesting development in our society and draw on various elements in psychology. I've started reading Dave Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. It's quite an old book and has stood the test of time.

What has struck me is that it makes the point about not criticising others, how much everyone looks for acceptance and taking steps to change yourself rather than others. It's practical and makes sense.

One of the most frustrating things in life is dealing with people. How often I say that I love my family but they drive me crazy. The truth is that you can't change them, you're stuck with them. So taking Dave's advice, I need to change myself, how I deal with them, and respond to what they say and do.

Last year I had to deal with the death of a loved one. It made me feel like I had no control over the situation. I was filled with anger and hurt. When I think about it now, two things helped me to deal with my grief.

The first was that I made a donation to a charity. I was helping someone else and I like to think that my donation made a difference and alleviated my guilt.Guilt is a funny one, you feel it no matter what, and beat yourself up even though it's not really your fault. Retrospect is such a beast!

The second was that I went to church, not as a regular attendee or because I am a religious person, but it helped me try to understand why such a terrible event like death exists. I'm not sure whether I ever will be able to cope with death, but I have come to terms with the loss of my loved one. 

As to whether I will win friends and be better able to influence people, I'm not sure, but I am enjoying reading this little red book.

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